The webmaster and The Brass Nuts editor are two different people. If you want an ad posted in either the Brass Nuts or on the website, please contact the respective party directly.
To post a classified ad:
Do not contact the webmaster through the website about posting an ad.
You are responsible to communicate the status of your ad.
** It is not the webmaster responsibility to interpret your wishes and anticipate your needs! This is a service to help you and if it is abused or you continually waste the webmaster time it will be discontinued. Please be clear in what you want and don’t assume the webmaster knows what you want based on vague emails or lack of communication on your part.**
To post a classified ad:
- Use your club roster to contact the webmaster directly.
- Provide the webmaster with all the information, photos and contact information you want posted. (Please keep in mind that your contact information will be on the internet and if you are not comfortable with your contact information being online, then it is recommend you use only an email address. You can setup a free email account just for interactions with your classified ad.)
Do not contact the webmaster through the website about posting an ad.
- It can be very difficult to determine who you are and if you are a member.
- Please use the club roster to contact the webmaster, only club members will have the roster and that specific contact information.
- The NCRG website gets its far share of junk and scams that the webmaster has to sort through.
You are responsible to communicate the status of your ad.
- If you sell the item or no longer want it posted, please contact the webmaster the same way you did to post the ad.
- Ad’s that the webmaster believe are no longer valid will be removed until poster contacts webmaster.
- All ad’s will remain on the website for at least 30 days unless sold or the poster request it’s removal. After 30 days the webmaster may remove an ad until it is confirmed to still be for active.
** It is not the webmaster responsibility to interpret your wishes and anticipate your needs! This is a service to help you and if it is abused or you continually waste the webmaster time it will be discontinued. Please be clear in what you want and don’t assume the webmaster knows what you want based on vague emails or lack of communication on your part.**